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So you got a gym membership for Christmas... Now what?

So you got a gym membership for Christmas... or you've decided to go back for the New Year.. Now what?

1) Take it one day at a time.. repeat after me... Take it one day at a time.

This means if you have one bad day at the gym, or one bad instructor, or one bad experience don't let it completely de-rail you. Even as instructors we have bad days and sometimes it comes through in our classes. Remember that a lot of people use working out as a stress relief and

2) Everyone has been in your shoes

Everyone has had their first day in the gym. The day where you don't know where any of the equipment is or who anyone at the gym is. Dont be intimidated by the people who seem to know their way around the gym, instead ask them if you need help or are looking for equipment. At one point in the past, they have been in your shoes... rest assured that the majority of them, would be more than happy to help.

3) Take a class

When you take a class for the first time, make sure you get there early and if you can, introduce yourself to the instructor. Inform them that its your first time taking the class then find a spot you feel comfortable (usually somewhere in the back but close to a mirror so you can check form) As an instructor, I like knowing when someone is new, I try to suggest modifications and I tend to make more eye contact with that person just to double check they feel comfortable. Now that we've gotten those things out of the way... Make a promise to me, when you take the class, don't leave until the end of the cool down.... no matter how much you want to, just stay all the way to the end. Promise me? Good :)

4) Always go into the gym with a plan

Even as a veteran its hard to go into the gym without a plan your mind will make excuses and tell you that you can leave or slack off. A few options to avoid this 1) There are lots of free and paid programs out there for both at home and gym use. If you are looking for one, reach out and I can help you find one! 2) have a few pre-written workouts that you enjoy and make you sweat, they can be for a particular muscle group or a full body workout or an interval workout. 3) follow your favorite instagram pages and use one of the workouts they post. 4) PINTEREST! there are some great ideas

There are so many other ways to rock your gym membership but these are some of my tips! please reach out should you have any questions

xoxo Katie

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